TickIT versus ISO 9000

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The Reasons for TickIT

The TickIT scheme makes certification of software companies' Quality Management Systems more credible than does ISO 9000 alone. But TickIT certification is still, nominally, to the ISO 9000 standard.

Before TickIT, software certification to ISO 9000 or BS 5750 gave little assurance as to the quality of the supplier's products or services. This was mainly due to a lack of uniformity in the interpretation of ISO 9000 for software, a lack of qualified auditors with a good understanding of software, and deficiencies in the certification process.

TickIT aims to remedy these shortcomings. Originally set up by the UK Department of Trade and Industry, it has spread to many other countries (with the notable exception of the USA). In the UK it is now administered by the DISC TickIT office, part of the British Standards Institution.

What TickIT Consists Of

The main elements of TickIT are:

When TickIT Applies

TickIT applies to almost all software-related activities, whether they involve product development, services or both. This includes software developed as part of some larger product, and in-house software developed purely for the company's own use. Full details are given in the TickIT Guide.

Is It Compulsory?

No. You can obtain an ISO 9000 certificate without going through the TickIT process. However, such a certificate may not carry the same credibility with prospective customers as a full TickIT certificate.

Further Information

The TickIT Guide and other materials are published by the DISC TickIT Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, LONDON W4 4AL, telephone 0208996 7427, fax 0208996 7429 or e-mail . The TickIT web-site is at <URL:http://www.tickit.org>.

The author, as an independent Software Quality Consultant, will be pleased to provide advice on these matters and assistance in setting up a TickIT-compliant Quality Management System.

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